Looking for A Fun Game?

_ Me, Senpai is a party game for anime fans, by anime fans. Using their knowledge (or lack thereof) of anime tropes, 4-8 players compete to create wacky characters and scenarios.


About The Game

Easy To Play

The game has a familiar play style that's fun whether you're playing at home with friends or at a con with strangers.


Our cards are illustrated in a unique anime style. Each illustration is full color.

For All Anime Fans

No matter what genre you're into, we'll have a card that speaks to you.

How To Play

Step One

One player (the Senpai) picks a card with a prompt on it.

Step Two

The other players (the Kohais) try to create the funniest anime phrase, attack or character.

Step Three

The funniest player wins...most of the time.